Billie Doux’s True Blood Poll: "It’s All About Eric"

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  1. BlackLilium87

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    True Blood was the talk of the summer. It certainly kept me talking. Mostly about Alexander Skarsgard's character, Eric. How popular is Eric with the fans? Inquiring minds wanted to know. Okay, I wanted to know.

    So I posted a "discussion poll" on my True Blood Yahoo list during the month of October. I asked ten questions, and specified that people confine their responses to the series only. Twenty-five people posted responses. Some were a surprise; some weren't. And there were lots of great comments; I included a few below.

    1. Who is your favorite female character?(Remember, series only!)

    Sookie ran away with this one: 44% of the respondents chose Sookie as their favorite female character. Tara got 20%, and Pam 16%. Jessica and Adele (Sookie's Gran) each got a vote. The rest were either "all of them" or "none of them."

    [comment] "It's refreshing to see that [Sookie's] not the usual 'damsel in distress' type ... if she has to fight, take a stand or whatever she doesn't wait around for rescue if she can figure out a way to deal with things." (Deborah)

    2. Your favorite male character?

    Yeah, like I have to tell you. Eric obliterated the competition with 76% of the vote. Lafayette came in second with only 12%... BUT interestingly, many voters also said that Lafayette was their second favorite male character, after Eric, so Lafayette has a lot of fans, including me. Bill got a paltry 8%; sorry about that, Bill. Sam got 4%.

    [comment] "I love the way [Bill] says "Soooookay...." Damn, that's sexy! In the second season, they have him in pasty-faced make-up with red around the eyes. Not so sexy." (Kay)

    [comment] "I liked Bill and hated Jason in Season One but now think Bill's boring and Jason's hysterical in Season Two. But overall, Eric rocks and Lafayette comes in a close second!" (Lee)

    [comment] "Eric is the ultimate badboy & gorgeous too, and would be a much more entertaining partner for Sookie. However if I were looking for a guy for myself it would be Sam, who has an honestly nice side, while being a real heart throb as well, in a sweet shaggy kinda way." (Deborah)

    3. Who's your favorite couple on the series? (Doesn't have to be a romantic couple; you could pick Jason and Andy, for example.)

    Responses to this one was all over the map. Sookie and Eric won with 36%. Sookie and Bill came in second with 16%. Lafayette and Tara, 8%. And there were single votes for an assortment of others: Eric and Pam, Pam and Lafayette, Sam and Tara, Sam and Sookie, Eric and Bill, Jason and Andy, Hoyt and Jessica, Eric and Lafayette. I was surprised that star-crossed Hoyt and Jessica didn't get more of the love there, since their storyline has been so popular this past season.

    [comment] "Eric and their little comments to each other." (Tracy)

    4. Which character in the series is the most like you, and why?

    Sookie took this one with 20%. The reasons why were pretty consistent: she's a strong woman, helps others, has lost people like I have, and so on. Jessica came in second with 12%; Pam, Eric and Bill each got 8%, and Lafayette, Tara, and Gran each got a vote. "Not sure" or "none" got the rest.

    [comment] "Eric, because I've been told that I can be evil and conniving, and only out for my own self. According to my soon to be ex hubby." (Rachael)

    [comment] "I would have to say Jessica cause she fights for what she wants and I would do the same thing! Also, she complains a lot! Haha." (Logan)

    5. Fellowship of the Sun plot in season two: good, bad, somewhere in between?

    Good news for Steve and Sarah: 48% of the responses were positive, and 28% thought it was okay. Only one respondent thought it was bad, and there were a few who had no opinion.

    [comment] "Honestly, I loved it!!! Loved it because it included Godric...and he is my second most fave male character." (Tracy)

    6. Maryann plot in season two: good, bad, somewhere in between?

    Not so good news for the Maryann plot, though. Only 20% thought it was good, while 44% thought it was bad. 32% were ambivalent. Many said it was okay at first, but it just dragged on too long.

    [comment] "Ick." (Lee)

    7. Anna Paquin as Sookie: love her, hate her, or are you in that amorphous in between area?

    Good news for Anna Paquin. 20% said they outright loved her, and 72% either liked her, thought she was okay, or were in that amorphous middle. However, not one respondent said they hated her, and that's always good to hear. To put this in perspective, Sarah Michelle Gellar was cordially disliked by a *lot* of Buffy fans, and we all know that William Shatner was despised by many fans of the original Star Trek series. See what I mean about it being good news for Anna Paquin? No one said they hated her. Everything is relative.

    [comment] "I love Anna as Sookie. I can't picture anyone else as her." (Courtney)

    [comment] "Love her! She's me!" (Kay)

    [comment] "Liked her much better in season two." (Adrianne)

    8. Team Bill, Team Eric, Team Sam, or no team at all?

    When I came up with this question, I honestly thought that Eric would win, but that Bill would come close. I was wrong; it wasn't close. Team Eric got 76%. 76%! Team Bill and Team Sam each got 4%. A few couldn't choose. And several said that if I'd asked at the end of season one, they would have said "Team Bill", and that they've since switched teams.

    9. Which season did you like better, one or two?

    I thought season two would win handily, but again, I was wrong. 32% chose season two, 28% season one, 24% both, and 8% couldn't choose.

    [comment] "I think I prefer season one, but I loved Eric and Godric in season two." (Naomi)

    10. What would you like to see in season three? (And remember, NO BOOK SPOILERS! You can be vague, though. Like yay, werewolves. Or I want to see more Eric, etc.)

    Yes, 60% said they wanted more Eric in season three. (Did I stack the deck there with my question? Nah.) To add to that 60%, 16% more asked for more Sookie and Eric, or more of the Sookie/Eric/Bill love triangle. 20% wanted werewolves and/or more shifters. 12% wanted more Pam, which I think it pretty significant. There were a smattering of other requests, like more of the Queen, more Lorena (mostly so that someone would kill her), more about Sookie and Bill, more Arlene and Terry. Yes, that's more than 100%. Some people mentioned more than one thing.

    [comment] "I would love to see more intimacy between Eric and Sookie. Hopefully Bill will stayed kidnapped long enough for that to happen." (Katie)

    [comment] "Werewolves, shifters, fairies.... I'm ready for any of 'em. Bring 'em on!" (Kay)

    [comment] "A lot more of Sookie and Eric hooking up!" (Naomi)

    [comment] "More Eric. Pink spandex." (Pam)

    [comment] "More Eric because he is so hot hot and HOT." (Tara)

    Clearly, despite his minimal screen time, Alexander Skarsgard's Eric has made a strong impression on the fans. Okay, mostly female fans. Alan Ball, please take note.

    What do I want, personally? Glad you asked. Eric, Eric and Sookie, Eric and Pam. Generally, Eric. Personally, I'm deeply into the books... could they skip over book three and go for book four? No, I liked book three. But I don't think I can wait another year and a half for book four.

    It's not just all about Eric with me, truly. I like Sookie; she's a strong lead, and I'd like more about her mind-reading abilities. I like Lafayette, Tara and Sam, and I'm interested in Sam's background. I like Jessica and Hoyt, our star-crossed virgins. I hated Jason in season one, but I like him now.

    And since I'm making requests, could we have a real finale, not half a finale plus set-up for the next season?

  2. Monyka82

    User deleted

    bel sondaggio......
    mi piace parecchio.....
    diciamo che Ball sa dove andare, e vedremo molto di quello chiesto....o almeno lo spero...^^
  3. Rowky

    User deleted

    :08.gif: :08.gif: :08.gif: ormai non credo che ci sia più molto da aggiungere.
    I fans hanno capito tutto!!!
    E sono certa che Ball saprà esattamente fare del suo meglio.

    "Nothing is ever over"

    Mod & Grafico

    ma c'erano dubbi sul fatto che alex/eric avrebbe vinto su tutti i fronti in questo sondaggio????ovviamente no!poi noto con piacere che nella seconda serie la menade maryanne ha rotto parecchio a tutti,non solo a me ....
  5. serenamor

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    il fatto dimaryann era noto...non poteva non stufare.....cmq l'importante e' che ball abbia capito che cosavuole vedere la gente.......molto eric...eric eric..eric......questo e' quello che voglio realta'
  6. Monyka82

    User deleted

    molti trascinati dalla prestanza di Alex, molti che hanno capito Eric senza aver letto i libri e quel buon 40% forse, o forse un po' meno, che viene dai libri (e notare che loro li hanno letti tutti fino al 9 essendo americani....) spingono per quello che sanno accadrà nei libri...e onestamente volete sapere come la penso?
    Credo sia anche giusto...senza pretese eccessive ovvio, ma quando si attinge dalla letteratura bisogna sempre essere molto rispettosi e cauti...e per ora, a suo modo, Ball ha centrato parecchie cose, siamo ai primi due libri..molto Bill & Sookie proprio come sono i primi due libri ( e solo quelli....), ma Alex ragazzi, è Eric, ha capito a fondo il personaggio...e purtroppo non tutti son sempre cosi bravi.....
  7. serenamor

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    a me personalmente al momentoil lavoro di ball mi sta piacendo molto....
  8. BlackLilium87

    User deleted

    secondo me la terza stagione di True Blood, per Alan Ball sarà quella cosiddetta prova del 9...comunque spero che non ci siano stravolgimenti rispetto al libro... soprattutto nei nuovi equilibri che andranno a crearsi... che Ball approfondisca i vari personaggi, ritagliando spazi tutti per loro, mostrandoci non solo la prospettiva di Sookeh , a me và più che bene, però non deve alterare l'essenza dei libri...altrimenti Ball :13.gif:
    ma oggi, chissà perchè, penso che ci saranno eventi che provocheranno forti discussioni, che ci faranno "incavolare"...e sicuramente da grande baldracca qual è, ci godrà più di un coniglio... :08.gif: :08.gif: :08.gif:
    ma quando arriva dicembre??????
  9. serenamor

    User deleted

    ti quoto black in tutto.....e specie...quando arriva dicembre????
  10. Luce23

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    Bè sono d'accordo con Black: la season 3 sarà la prova del 9 per Ball. Di sicuro aspettiamoci qualche colpo di scena, ma sono molto fiduciosa: non rimarremo deluse!!! :26.gif:

    I risultati del sondaggio sono parecchio scontati... :31.gif:
  11. serenamor

    User deleted

    i colpi di scena non mancheranno...altrimenti non sarebbbepiu' degno di essere denominato....baldracca..
  12. Pink Lady@

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    BALLdracca.... :31.gif:
  13. serenamor

    User deleted

    esatto pink..BALLdracca......ahahahah
12 replies since 23/10/2009, 17:57   176 views