Sam Trammel,Stephen Moyer parlano del season finale...

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  1. BlackLilium87

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    Sam Trammel a People magazine dice:
    “You can expect a major character - I’m not going to give it a way and say if someone dies or not - but there’s somebody that’s in major, big, big trouble. Also, I’ll say it’s going to be very surprising and it’s going to set up some cliffhangers for next year.”

    - tutta l'intervista qui

    Invece, Stephen Moyer, sempre a People magazine, racconta:
    “It’s everything that you would want from a season finale. But I don’t even want to make a hint at something because it’s so f-ing crazy. I could tell you something that’s going to happen, but you just won’t believe me, so it’s almost pointless.” Maybe the theory that the egg actually is a dinosaur egg isn’t so outlandish after all?"

    - tutta l'intervista qui
  2. Sognofobia***Tania***

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    un uovo di dinosauro???????ma dai non sarebbe fantasioso secondo ,me......
  3. serenamor

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    giusto un mini riassuntino per capire che dicono della serie finale sam e stephan???merci
2 replies since 11/9/2009, 22:33   46 views