Commenti di Pam dal DVD di TB2...

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  1. BlackLilium87

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    Ecco i commenti della mitica Pam contenuti negli extra del DVD della seconda stagione di True Blood...

    We call this little contraption the carousel. It's something Eric picked up during the Inquisition. Fun times. It reminds me of those little wheels hamsters run on. It's the perfect contraption for imbeciles like Lafayette.

    A silver cross. Seriously? Eric Northman is a thousand year old vampire. That means he was six foot five in the year 1000 A.D. What kind of inbred moron do you have to be to think a dinky piece of silver could bring down a force of nature such as that? Sadly, it's the kind of moron that seems to grow on trees down in Bon Temps.

    I don't understand all the fuss Bill makes about being turned. That spring evening in 1905 when Eric offered to make me a vampire was nothing short of glorious. Truth be told, I never got a real taste of life 'til I was dead.

    Getting Eric to change his hair is like trying to make a fish speak French: frustrating, to say the least. I've been bothering him for decades to update his Fabio-lite look, but my plans for a whole new Eric were - shall we say - foiled after he went and got himself drenched in the innards of that imbecile. I guess this new 'do will suffice... for now.

    Why, for the love of all that is evil and unholy, would I have wanted to return to my family once I was made vampire? Eric gave me the ultimate gift. I took it and ran as fast as I could away from that dreadful excuse of a life. Daddy was a wealthy businessman, and Mama raised me to be a proper lady. Lotta good that did. Didn't take me long to realize I was living in an impossibly small world with even smaller men lining up to court me. With Eric, my world was split wide open. He likes to sneer that my legs were, too. Mama and Daddy would find that talk unpleasant, but... they're dead.

    Eric's never been trigger-shy when it comes to turning virile humans, so if he's holding off on making Lafayette one of us, I'm sure he has his reasons. He always does.

    It's not a secret that everyone finds Sookie... interesting. Eric is no exception, despite what he may say. So it's no wonder Eric wants Sookie to drink his blood. It would bond them in a variety of ways. Eric would sense her feelings, know where she roams, and Sookie would be more drawn to Eric. But let's not kid ourselves. Even more important to Eric than anything else is the fact that if Sookie drank his blood, it would really piss Bill off.

    I'm not exactly one to pay Eric a compliment, seeing as though his self-esteem is quite intact. But when it comes to makers, I doubt you'll find better. Without training, a vampire would most likely starve, wither to nothing, waste the most precious gift of eternal life. When I was made vampire, I was taught to hunt, feed, and thrive by the very best, and it's made me who I am today. That - and my own innate sense of style.

    With me by his side, Eric certainly doesn't want for vampire loyalty. But a human with equal parts loyalty and fear? Now that's something worth keeping in your back pocket. Works with Sookie sometimes, and now with Lafayette. I never know exactly why Eric does what he does, but he always has his reasons.

    If the driver was hired by the Fellowship, that means Eric was probably right about them having something to do with Godric's disappearance. Not that I'm surprised. When is Eric ever not right? After all these years, you'd think he'd screw up once, just to break the monotony.

    Eric doesn't offer up his thousand year old blood to just anyone if he's not gonna turn 'em. Hell, even when he was brand spanking new, he was something special, and you don't stay special by giving yourself to any old hag. So if you ever find yourself tasting the blood of Eric Northman, you can rest assured he either likes you or wants something from you. Or, in some special cases, both.

    Eric may have technically once been human, but he was always far more than just a man. He was the kind of epic hero the great poets throughout time have tried to capture. But Gilgamesh, Beowulf, Achilles - never held a candle to Eric Northman.

    [Godric] was wandering around the British coast when he saw Eric and his fellow soldiers in a raid. He was so impressed by Eric that he tracked him down and turned him when he was about to die.

    It's not very complicated, the reason for Lorena's visit. Eric wields his powers in all kinds of funny ways. And Bill simply refuses to see that his hold on Sookie means nothing if Eric decides so. Let the games begin.

    I'm not surprised to see Eric so emotionally spent over Godric. Humans cannot possibly understand the relationship that can exist between a vampire and maker. Humans do what they always do. They try to project their own fleeting concerns on a higher life form. I can tell you this: if Eric were missing, I would not show nearly as much restraint as he does.

    Please. Even when Eric was human, no one believed he was. He always looked as if he were dropped down from the gods. So why should now be any different? Fooling people into truly believing he's human - that's the only thing Eric's never been good at. And why on earth would anyone want to be good at that?

    Oh, Eric, such a tricky boy. Taking advantage of Sookie's do-gooder, sweet, Southern girl ways was particularly clever. I will say, pulling out the Lorena stop and now this? He is being more aggressive with her than I have seen him be with a human in many decades. Well, I suppose she's tolerable. If she becomes his, I'll find a way to enjoy her company. Something tells me he will not share her, however.

    I won't lie. It's not easy for me to see Eric in this kind of shape. When he suffers, I suffer. As for Godric, I don't endorse his actions, but I must commend him for the way he behaved in the 2000 years that preceded them.

    Queen Sophie-Anne is my kind of vampire, but she's not for the faint of heart. I think she once made even Eric blush with her creative euphemisms for genitalia.

0 replies since 25/6/2010, 17:06   203 views