4. Dead To The World - Morto per il mondo

Il Quarto Volume

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  1. Ruby^

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    Titolo Originale: Dead to the World
    Anno di Pubblicazione: 2004 USA -- 2009 Italia
    Trama: Sookie Stackhouse è una cameriera di un bar di una piccola cittadina della Louisiana, è simpatica e svolge bene il suo lavoro, ma conduce una vita isolata perché non tutti apprezzano il suo particolare talento: quello di poter leggere nella mente degli altri. I vampiri però hanno una mente difficile da decifrare, e forse per questo Sookie ha un debole per loro.
    Così, quando nel tornare a casa dal lavoro, si imbatte in un vampiro che sta correndo nudo lungo la strada, lei non si limita a tirare dritto. Sookie sa benissimo chi è: Eric, spaventoso, sexy… e morto… come lo era il giorno in cui lo ha conosciuto, solo che adesso soffre di amnesia. Questo nuovo Eric è dolce, vulnerabile, e ha bisogno dell’aiuto di Sookie. Perché chi gli ha tolto la memoria, chiunque sia, adesso vuole privarlo anche della vita. Ma il pericolo più grande lo corre il cuore di Sookie, perché questo nuovo Eric, più dolce e gentile, è una persona a cui è molto difficile resistere…
  2. Monyka82

    User deleted

    il libro che mi ha definitivamente consacrata alla Svezia e a tutti i Vichinghi..buahuah!!!mamma mia cosa non è Eric qui....lassamo perde va....questo è From Dead to Worse i miei preferiti.....
  3. Pink Lady@

    User deleted

    E' caldo...vorrei fare una bella DOCCIA....
  4. Monyka82

    User deleted

    eh si......la Doccia....quasi quasi la posto la scena, pero' in lingua originale che è mooolto meglio....una doccia cosi ci vorrebbe, dovrebbero metterla come legge per i diritti delle donne.... :D :lol: :shifty:
  5. Pink Lady@

    User deleted

    Magariii! ..ma io lo so, va a finire che a me nella doccia assegnano Alvaro Vitali!!!AHAHAH!!! :P
  6. Monyka82

    User deleted

    ma noooooo.....c'è un catalogo online dove ognuno puo' ordinare la propria doccia per evitare sorprese....
    Ho letto qsto libro sia in italiano che in inglese e posso dire che in lingua originale rende parecchio, certe cose nella traduzione si perdono...soprattutto in certe scene "intime"....
  7. Robbie

    User deleted

    ciao monyka ora mi hai incuriosito, cosa si perde nelle scene intime
  8. Monyka82

    User deleted

    no vabbè...modi di tradurre, piccolezze...ora metto la scena della doccia di nuovo, ma in inglese...poi magari la tradurrò con calma...
  9. Robbie

    User deleted

    con la scena della doccia ho fatto ìsciogliere una mia amica a cui non piacciono i biondi e le storie di vampiri, ma il sorriso le passato dopo un bel po'
  10. Monyka82

    User deleted

    SPOILER (click to view)
    I know cold showers are more traditional, but I was enjoying the warmth and relaxation the heat
    brought. I got my hair wet and groped for the soap.
    "I'll do that for you," Eric said, pulling back the curtain to step into the shower with me.
    I gasped, just short of a shriek. He had discarded the jeans. He was also in the mood, the same mood I
    was in. You could really tell, with Eric. His fangs were out some, too. I was embarrassed, horrified, and
    absolutely ready to jump him. While I stood stock-still, paralyzed by conflicting waves of emotion, Eric
    took the soap out of my hands and lathered up his own, set the soap back in its little niche, and began to
    wash my arms, raising each in turn to stroke my armpit, down my side, never touching my breasts, which
    were practically quivering like puppies who wanted to be petted.
    "Have we ever made love?" he asked.
    I shook my head, still unable to speak.
    "Then I was a fool," he said, moving one hand in a circular motion over my stomach. "Turn around,
    I turned my back to him, and he began to work on that. His fingers were very strong and very clever,
    and I had the most relaxed and cleanest set of shoulder blades inLouisianaby the time Eric got through.
    My shoulder blades were the only thing at ease. My libido was hopping up and down. Was I really
    going to do this? It seemed more and more likely that I was,I thought nervously. If the man in my shower
    had been the real Eric, I would have had the strength to back off. I would have ordered him out the
    minute he stepped in. The real Eric came with a whole package of power and politics, something of
    which I had limited understanding and interest. This was a different Eric—without the personality that I'd
    grown fond of, in a perverse way—but it was beautiful Eric, who desired me, who was hungry for me, in
    a world that often let me know it could do very well without me. My mind was about to switch off and
    my body was about to take over. I could feel part of Eric pressed against my back, and he wasn't
    standing that close. Yikes.Yahoo.Yum.
    He shampooed my hair next.
    "Are you trembling because you are frightened of me?" he asked.
    I considered that.Yes, and no. But I wasn't about to have a long discussion over the pros and cons. The
    inner debate had been tough enough. Oh, yeah, I know, there wouldn't be a better time to have a long
    yada-yada with Eric about the moral aspects of mating with someone you didn't love. And maybe there
    would never be another time to lay ground rules about being careful to be gentle with me physically. Not
    that I thought Eric would beat me up, but his manhood (as my romance novels called it—in this case the
    popular adjectives "burgeoning" or "throbbing" might also be applied) was a daunting prospect to a
    relatively inexperienced woman like me. I felt like a car that had only been operated by one driver . . . a
    car its new prospective buyer was determined to take to the Daytona 500.
    Oh, to hell with thinking.
    I took the soap from the niche and lathered up my fingers. As I stepped very close to him, I kind of
    folded Mr. Happy up against Eric's stomach, so I could reach around him and get my fingers on that
    absolutely gorgeous butt. I couldn't look him in the face, but he let me know he was delighted that I was
    responding. He spread his legs obligingly and I washed him very thoroughly, very meticulously. He began
    to make little noises, to rock forward. I began to work on his chest. I closed my lips around his right
    nipple and sucked. He liked that a lot. His hands pressed against the back of my head. "Bite, a little," he
    whispered, and I used my teeth. His hands began to move restlessly over whatever bit of my skin they
    could find, stroking and teasing. When he pulled away, he had decided to reciprocate, and he bent
    down. While his mouth closed over my breast, his hand glided between my legs. I gave a deep sigh, and
    did a little moving of my own. He had long fingers.
    The next thing I knew, the water was off and he was drying me with a fluffy white towel, and I was
    rubbing him with another one. Then we just kissed for while, over and over.
    "The bed," he said, a little raggedly, and I nodded......

    se volete il proseguimento ditemelo pure... :D

    Edited by Monyka82 - 16/6/2009, 00:31
  11. serenamor

    User deleted

    con lui mi farei tutte le docce di questo mondo!!!!!!!ma com'e' che nella mia doccia nonlo trovo mai???ne lui e ne tanto meno "mister happy"ahahahaha..non censuratemi
  12. Monyka82

    User deleted

    Mister Happy....quando lessi il libro pensai di aver capito male...lo rilessi e invece era come avevo intuito la prima volta!
    Censurarti?non ne vedo il motivo...Mister Happy non vorrebbe image image image
  13. Robbie

    User deleted

    evviva Mister Happy
  14. Monyka82

    User deleted

    oddiooooooooo siiiiiiiii....W Mister Happy è il miglior slogan che ho mai sentito fin'ora....ahah image image image
  15. chicchibu

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    ho terminato ieri la lettura di qs libro...che dire mi è piaciuto moltissimo!!!!!! la scena della doccia è fantastica..(davvero da strappa mutande!!!!)
    peccato che il mio inglese sia molto arrugginito...mi piacerebbe acquistare i prossimi libri in lingua ma so di per certo che a parte il tempo x tradurre perderebbero tutta la magia....(sono davvero tantissimo arrugginita...)

    che tristezza....ma devo aspettare fino a fine anno per il quinto libro???
266 replies since 12/6/2009, 00:37   4247 views